Sunday, 8 May 2011

The break up...(well, the real one!)

I know i haven't blogged in like...OH WOW over a year!!
Well i thought, seen as the few blogs i did write involved my boyfriend at the time, Lloyd-Rhys, that i would tell you how this all came to a close.

Well.. heres the series of events..

Event 1: A petty argument arises due to my complaining about his ignorance, Lloyd goes on to say that we are no longer compatible and threatens to leave me, i obviously don't take him seriously and challenges him with "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me and i will believe you" He did it and left.

Event 2: Me and Lloyd make up (sort of) i tell him that i will get back together with him but we are taking it slow until he proves his love for me, Lloyd agrees.

Event 3: Lloyd gets angry one morning because we weren't back into a serious relationship (there was no difference apart from having a couple of nights apart)

Event 4: I had the day off work due to illness and requested for Lloyd to come look after me, he arrived an hour late and barely spoke to me and then after half an hour said he was leaving for a party when we already had plans...i asked him if he was happy with me and he requested that we just be friends...That night he spent cuddled up to some girl.

Event 5: I forgive him and suggested that we forgive and forget and only concentrate on each other. Lloyd agrees.

Event 6: Lloyd changes his mind and says that he doesn't know if he wants to be with me anymore because  he wants to experience more of 'life'. I support his decisions.

Event 7: Lloyd changes his mind AGAIN and wants me back, i reply with '' you've hurt me a lot lately so i would like a little time to be on my own so i can forgive you."

Event 8: Lloyd asks if he should move on....i say for him to do whatever makes him happy...but didn't want him to move on.

Event 9: Lloyd decides to text to tell me he loves me whilst trying to seduce the girl he was cuddling up to, to prove a point to me (a rubbish point clearly) I don't reply.

Event 10: I message Lloyd to try and make a mends, he refuses to come and talk and tells me that he doesn't love me, he doesn't care about me not even as a friend and for me to leave him alone. So that is exactly what i am doing!

So now i am sat here writing this Blog about how it all ended and how i lost my best friend.
and now i can go on to write things that may be of more interest to other people...but at least there are no more questions to be asked...

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Lovey Dovey....

What is it that makes relationships work exactly?

I mean is it;
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Liking the same things
  • Sharing feelings
  • Not being selfish
  • Being 'romantic'
  • Becoming best friends
  • Commitment
and many more obviosuly!

But i don't get it, someone will meet a person they are attracted to and one of a few senario's will occur;

  • They will be rejected at first but still try to win them over and never regret it
  • They will be rejected at first but still try to win them over but will give up
  • Theyll get the person with no trouble but won't appreciate it.
  • They will get the person and be forever happy (or so it seems)
of course there are others, but these were the ones floating around in my head.

But once you got that person, what then? do you just jump in and pour your helpless heart out hoping that it will build a strong relationshuip? or build a strong bond first? We obviously know a few people who have attempted both, and have they worked out? well its too early to tell in most cases!
In a normal relationship when problems begin to arise, then what do you do? rollover and apoligise in fear of losing them? or stand your ground?
and then what happens when that problem has gone and you are faced with another? do you hang around and battle through endless arguments or do you call it a quits and risk losing that person forever?

see this is why i dont get relationships, yes its the greatest feeling when you have someone standing by you and is devoted to makeing you happy, and be your bestfriend, but this feeling doesnt come with out complication, when you start a relationship you tend to obsess over stupid insignificant things just so you don't mess up, but as soon as the relationship progresses, you learn to get over it and be your self, thus leading to people like me for example who get to the stage where they barely give a shit if the partner is not impressed.
Which yes, is wrong, you should always care about your partners opinion right? but isnt that the point...that relationships lose the excitement once you become confortable, and even though you have built a strong bond, you eventually stop going through all of the trouble just to get a compliment, and your time together starts to become a routine, and i personally feel that if someone is experiencing a relationship where that hasn't/won't happen then it is likely that you havnt fully connected or bonded with that person enough to become comfortable, maybe part of you is holding back from fully commiting to them.
and yea ok, alot of this you may think is a pile of rubbish, but at least think about it and reply with your opinion of relationships, maybe you can shed some light on the endless confusion!

basically, im wondering WHAT THE FUCK!? about relationships...

talk to me! =]

(sorry about the confusion of the deleted post)

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


Well, i felt that i should write a blog as it's been a little while but i didn't really have anything of interest, i still don't now to be honest....

I have been concerned lately that maybe my once sincere promises have now fallen into false ones, i initially intend to keep them but i suppose lack of time and effort aren't good traits and people just generally move on, you start to realise how some of these things become an inconvienience to your schedule as well as your interests and that in fact some of your most favourite things to do isn't something you can share with these people, thus raising the issue of these false promises, i fully intend to do as i promise to keep these people satisfied but as time progresses you become less committed to the promise and realise that maybe you shouldn't have agreed to anything at all. This is a problem i am finding hard to deal with at the moment, and i know that people change and move on to new things when theres a new stage in their life thats about to start but i was hoping these changes would be of a more positive nature rather than the evident.

I am also concerned about this new stage thats about to start, is this going to make me more independant? or only prove my parents right that i am not ready to take care of my self financially as well as mentally. I want to break free of the control and limits that have been created for me, however, when i am on my own, free to make my own decisions and have my own responsibilities will i remain motivated? will i make the most of my opportunities and use them to my full advantage? or will i just fail all together!

ahhh, a lot for me to think about i see...

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

I'm Chloe and i'm addicted to body modification

I love it, i love it, i love it!!

Here's what i got:

Tattoo of a cross with two lillies on the top of my back

Navel piercing


Tragus piercing

Helix Piercing

Here is what i want!:

Nose piercing

Lip Piercing

Conch Piercing

Auricle Piercing


Nipple Piercing (eventually)

Navel piercing type two


As well as more of the ones i already have.

Here is where i have bought my latest bars and have gotton my idea's for the piercings i want :P
Dig in!

Body Jewellery

And once again this is the place i go to for my tattoo and piercings.

Abracadabra Tattoo|Piercing

In response to Xanthe's T-shirt Blog

I have also designed a t-shirt to take part in the insider joke t-shirt creation thingy-ma-bob!
I hope you guys see the comedy :D 

Friday, 7 May 2010

Seductive on a whole new level!

This Thursday (so yesturday) i finished Art and Media Studies!! I am SOOOOOOOOOO relieved!

However, i have photography to finish which i am not so relieved about as i have loads to do in two weeks!

Everyone is probably stressing about the exams coming up and i feel your pain...lets be gone with them! haha

Gratitude to the parents for preventing my vote! (SARCASM!) but i would have voted PLAID CYMRU!

Although, i don't really know alot about the other two, all i do know is not alot of people like conservative.

Me, myself and I and looking forward to universtity and moving out, i just wish i could all my friends with me.

Everything is bland apart from that really, i wish i had more interesting things to blog about! haha never mind!

(this is probably the shitest blog iv'e done so far but it will all be worth it in a minute, Sarah, do you remember on an episode of The Simpsons when Homer's mother is leaving him hidden messages in the newspeaper where the first letter of each line is part of the message, well take a good look at this blog and eat it up bitch!)

Friday, 30 April 2010


Me and Lloyd-Rhys have sorted things out since my post *Dicks* and yes, he is still one, but at least we have 're-evaluated our relationship and decided whether we are compatible' and the answer is no, we are not...However, we are giving it another go...i mean it would be stupid to just throw away that amount of time of being together! I mean we do have our differences but generally he is good to me fair play. So yer, happy for now...

This is the latest Gossip...Apparently Carrie had confessed her love for me instead of Trev one night two months ago when we went to Cardiff, this did not happen which has quite baffled me, not only of where this assumption formed but how it had taken two months to be mentioned. Me and Carrie do love eachother but never in a sexual way so this confusion is pretty pointless really. I just hope Trev doesn't blow this out of proportion as most of the night all she did was talk about him...and this is crazy to have even made an effect!

Questions on my mind...

How do you know if something is over if you don't have the time to wait it out?
Why do i keep changing my mind about whether me and Lloyd-Rhys should be together?
Will University be the end of some friendships?