Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Lovey Dovey....

What is it that makes relationships work exactly?

I mean is it;
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Liking the same things
  • Sharing feelings
  • Not being selfish
  • Being 'romantic'
  • Becoming best friends
  • Commitment
and many more obviosuly!

But i don't get it, someone will meet a person they are attracted to and one of a few senario's will occur;

  • They will be rejected at first but still try to win them over and never regret it
  • They will be rejected at first but still try to win them over but will give up
  • Theyll get the person with no trouble but won't appreciate it.
  • They will get the person and be forever happy (or so it seems)
of course there are others, but these were the ones floating around in my head.

But once you got that person, what then? do you just jump in and pour your helpless heart out hoping that it will build a strong relationshuip? or build a strong bond first? We obviously know a few people who have attempted both, and have they worked out? well its too early to tell in most cases!
In a normal relationship when problems begin to arise, then what do you do? rollover and apoligise in fear of losing them? or stand your ground?
and then what happens when that problem has gone and you are faced with another? do you hang around and battle through endless arguments or do you call it a quits and risk losing that person forever?

see this is why i dont get relationships, yes its the greatest feeling when you have someone standing by you and is devoted to makeing you happy, and be your bestfriend, but this feeling doesnt come with out complication, when you start a relationship you tend to obsess over stupid insignificant things just so you don't mess up, but as soon as the relationship progresses, you learn to get over it and be your self, thus leading to people like me for example who get to the stage where they barely give a shit if the partner is not impressed.
Which yes, is wrong, you should always care about your partners opinion right? but isnt that the point...that relationships lose the excitement once you become confortable, and even though you have built a strong bond, you eventually stop going through all of the trouble just to get a compliment, and your time together starts to become a routine, and i personally feel that if someone is experiencing a relationship where that hasn't/won't happen then it is likely that you havnt fully connected or bonded with that person enough to become comfortable, maybe part of you is holding back from fully commiting to them.
and yea ok, alot of this you may think is a pile of rubbish, but at least think about it and reply with your opinion of relationships, maybe you can shed some light on the endless confusion!

basically, im wondering WHAT THE FUCK!? about relationships...

talk to me! =]

(sorry about the confusion of the deleted post)

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion a good relationship only needs three things relationship; Trust, commitment and compromise.That goes for any kind of relationship, one with friends, family or partners.

    Love is great but its never enough. People get too hung up on romance and feelings. You should never tell anyone everything. If they know you completely what's the point in being together.

    And as for trying at the beginning and then not caring enough to try and impress them, that's a good sign. You should never try to impress them. If your constantly making an effort you'll never have an equal relationship. You should care what they think but your opinion is always more important than theirs. If you are happy as you are then you don't need to be any different.
