Thursday, 4 March 2010

House Arrest

Day 3:

Well, seen as there was the Year 11 open evening i was in school from 8:30am until 8:00pm helping out. i didn't mind you know, it was a relaxed environment and my mother said that due to my hard work i was aloud to see Lloyd-Rhys for two hours!! :D yey!

My uncle and cousin (that i havnt seen in two years due to 'issues') turns up and attempts to make conversation as though nothing had happened, of course i replyed pleasantly but the whole time was wondering; why would you deliberately try and create this kind of awkwardness? and then as soon as i broke eye contact they dissappeared and didn't even say goodbye, so what i dont get, if your going to greet me and create conversation then why not follow through and make the effort?

Anyway, when i got home i had a letter from the third and final University i had applied to, all three has invited me to an interview. My mum obviously saw the letters and assumes that i will be attending even after i told her i didn't want to go to University.

My art teacher said that i should research the option i chose (to get a full time job/ aprentiship in the photography buisness) and to present her with the information so she is then aware that my decision isn't a bad one, if it will work, who knows? but im running out of options here, i mean talking and explaining to her just led to endless shouting so an alternative is in order here! haha

I was extatic that i got to see Lloyd-Rhys but because i was stupid enough to ask for permission she now thinks she has the power over me to decide if im aloud to see him again tomorrow depending on the amount of work i complete. she does realise im 18 now right?

but anyway, i had to have a bitch and a moan to get it out of my system haha

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